Feb 15, 2011

Oatmeal with Bananas and Goodies

Here's a favorite breakfast dish.  It's healthy, fills me up and is a great way to start the day.  The banana melts into the oatmeal and sweetens it, so I don't need to add any other sweetener.  It can me made on the stove-top or in the microwave.  I usually make it in the microwave in a large bowl so it doesn't boil over.

1 serving

Oatmeal Ingredients:

1/3 cup rolled oats (I bought GF oats from Amazon)

2/3 cup milk/alternative milk

1 banana, sliced into ½ inch thick slices


The Goodies:

A few raisins or craisins

A sprinkling of nuts (I’m partial to slivered almonds and walnut pieces)

1 teaspoon flax seed, ground

A dash of cinnamon

A drop of vanilla


Stovetop:  Combine the oatmeal, milk and banana in a pot that gives it plenty of space to boil up.  Bring to a boil and cook 5 minutes, or until you like the consistency (it will  stiffen as it cools a bit.)

Microwave:  Combine the oatmeal, milk and banana in a bowl that gives it plenty of space to boil up.  Cook 3 minutes on high, microwaving at additional one minute intervals until you like the consistency (it will  stiffen a bit as it cools.)

Either way, add the goodies to your taste.  Mix and allow to cool until it’s your favorite eating temperature.

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